Still Romantics- Chris Weisman

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These songs were arranged and rehearsed, expanding on my 2019 album Romantics with Omeed Goodarzi (and including some Pink Floyd covers :), for a performance, subsequently cancelled, at Wesleyan University in spring 2020. Instead of losing this music, we asked our friend Hannah Brookman to make videos of them, and our friend Elie McAfee-Hahn to do the audio (recording, overdubs, mixing, mastering), and we filmed and recorded our set in front of a green screen in Turners Falls, Massachusetts, in early March. From then until January 2021, at time of writing, Hannah and Elie have poured many months of beautiful work into (around, through) my music with Omeed. To help support us and our work, and in part to make up for the (good!) lost show money, we are including a link to my PayPal account.

Please consider $20 (or more). We will be splitting what we make, evenly four ways. We loved doing this and really appreciate your support! Sincerely, Chris Weisman